Zorros Míticos es el nombre que tendrá el nuevo Pase de Élite de la nueva temporada del videojuego Free Fire que inicia en junio.
Como era de esperarse, Garena ha ido revelando las cosas que vendrán para esta temporada que desde el lunes estará disponible.
En una publicación desde Twitter, la cuenta oficial de Free Fire reveló todas las novedades que tendrá esta nueva edición.
Novedades Pase Élite
Varias cosas tendrá la nueva temporada de Free que viene con un tema principal basado en Inari, conocida en Japón como la Diosa de los Zorros.
El paquete femenino será bajo la figura de los espíritus zorros considerados como criaturas sagradas y legendarias con poderes sobrenaturales. Su nombre es Kitsune.
Por su parte el aspecto masculina brindará homenaje a un lugar religioso y sagrado de Japón. Su nombre será Koryo.

Entre los nuevos accesorios se encuentra una mochila y diferentes armamentos que pudieron observarse en sus redes sociales.
Mythical Foxes is the name of the new Elite Pass for the new season of the Free Fire videogame that starts in June.
As expected, Garena has been revealing the things to come for this season that will be available from Monday.
In a publication from Twitter, the official account of Free Fire revealed all the news that this new edition will have.
Elite Pass News
Several things will have the new season of Free coming with a main theme based on Inari, known in Japan as the Goddess of Foxes.
The female package will be under the figure of the fox spirits considered as sacred and legendary creatures with supernatural powers. Their name is Kitsune.
The male aspect will pay homage to a religious and sacred place in Japan. His name will be Koryo.
free fire
Among the new accessories are a backpack and different weapons that could be seen on their social networks.
Mythical Foxes is the name of the new Elite Pass for the new season of the Free Fire videogame that starts in June.
As expected, Garena has been revealing the things to come for this season that will be available from Monday.
In a publication from Twitter, the official account of Free Fire revealed all the news that this new edition will have.
Elite Pass News
Several things will have the new season of Free coming with a main theme based on Inari, known in Japan as the Goddess of Foxes.
The female package will be under the figure of the fox spirits considered as sacred and legendary creatures with supernatural powers. Their name is Kitsune.
The male aspect will pay homage to a religious and sacred place in Japan. His name will be Koryo.
free fire
Among the new accessories are a backpack and different weapons that could be seen on their social networks.