Existe una función dentro de WhatsApp que permita borrar los mensajes, aunque hay ciertos detalles que el usuario debe tener en cuenta.
Una de las que cosas que más agradecieron los usuarios de WhatsApp fue cuando la compañía habilitó una función que permite borrar los mensajes enviados a otra persona. Sin embargo, esta opción cuenta con variables que la persona debe considerar.
La aplicación de mensajería instantánea más popular del mundo, WhatsApp, es la plataforma perfecta para enviar mensajes que luego puedes arrepentirte y por lo tanto, optar por la opción de borrar el texto o archivo ya enviado.
Es por eso que te presentaremos 5 cosas que debes tener en cuenta al borrar un mensaje en el chat:
5. Solo tienes 60 minutos para borrar el mensaje
Así la otra persona ya haya leído el texto que tu enviaste, la 'app' te permite un rango de 60 minutos para que puedas borrar el mensaje en el chat conversación. Al sobrepasar este tiempo, el usuario solamente podrá borrar el mensaje él mismo.
4. Cuidado si chateas con alguien que tenga iPhone
Si estas conversando con una persona cuyo sistema operativo es iOS y quieras borrar un mensaje que contenía algún video o imagen, pues las probabilidad de que ese archivo quede guardado son muy alta y más si ese otro usuario tiene activado la opción de descarga automática de los archivo multimedia en su dispositivo móvil.
3. La persona puede leer el mensaje si está dentro del chat
Una persona puede ver el proceso en tiempo real del mensaje que es enviado y que luego es borrado por el otro usuario. Si tu reacción para proceder es lenta o la conexión no juega a tu favor, es muy probable que esa otra persona alcance a leer el mensaje que no quisiste enviar.
2. No hay notificación que te confirme la eliminación del mensaje
Si el usuario al borrar el mensaje se equivoca y solo lo elimina "para él", en vez de "para todos", no existirá señales de que el texto en efecto fue eliminado para los integrantes del chat.
1. Versiones de WhatsApp no compatibles
La aplicación de mensajería instantánea no borrará el mensaje que se quiera eliminar si aquella otra persona cuenta con una versión obsoleta de WhatsApp.
There is a function within WhatsApp that allows messages to be deleted, although there are certain details that the user must take into account.
One of the things that WhatsApp users were most appreciative of was when the company enabled a feature that allows messages sent to another person to be deleted. However, this option has variables that the person must consider.
The world's most popular instant messaging application, WhatsApp, is the perfect platform to send messages that you may later regret and therefore choose the option to delete the text or file already sent.
That's why we'll introduce you to 5 things to consider when deleting a message in chat:
5. You only have 60 minutes to delete the message
Even if the other person has already read the text you sent, the 'app' allows you a range of 60 minutes to delete the message in the chat conversation. After this time, the user can only delete the message himself.
4. Be careful if you chat with someone who has an iPhone
If you are talking with a person whose operating system is iOS and you want to delete a message that contained some video or image, then the chances are very high that this file is saved and more if that other user has activated the option of automatic downloading of media files on your mobile device.
3. The person can read the message if they are in the chat
One person can see the real-time process of the message being sent and then deleted by the other user. If your reaction to proceeding is slow or the connection does not play in your favor, it is very likely that the other person will read the message you did not want to send.
2. There is no notification to confirm the deletion of the message
If the user makes a mistake when deleting the message and only deletes it "for him", instead of "for all", there will be no sign that the text was indeed deleted for the chat members.
1. Unsupported versions of WhatsApp
The instant messaging application will not delete the message you want to delete if that other person has an outdated version of WhatsApp.
One of the things that WhatsApp users were most appreciative of was when the company enabled a feature that allows messages sent to another person to be deleted. However, this option has variables that the person must consider.
The world's most popular instant messaging application, WhatsApp, is the perfect platform to send messages that you may later regret and therefore choose the option to delete the text or file already sent.
That's why we'll introduce you to 5 things to consider when deleting a message in chat:
5. You only have 60 minutes to delete the message
Even if the other person has already read the text you sent, the 'app' allows you a range of 60 minutes to delete the message in the chat conversation. After this time, the user can only delete the message himself.
4. Be careful if you chat with someone who has an iPhone
If you are talking with a person whose operating system is iOS and you want to delete a message that contained some video or image, then the chances are very high that this file is saved and more if that other user has activated the option of automatic downloading of media files on your mobile device.
3. The person can read the message if they are in the chat
One person can see the real-time process of the message being sent and then deleted by the other user. If your reaction to proceeding is slow or the connection does not play in your favor, it is very likely that the other person will read the message you did not want to send.
2. There is no notification to confirm the deletion of the message
If the user makes a mistake when deleting the message and only deletes it "for him", instead of "for all", there will be no sign that the text was indeed deleted for the chat members.
1. Unsupported versions of WhatsApp
The instant messaging application will not delete the message you want to delete if that other person has an outdated version of WhatsApp.