Google Maps integró Youtube Music en su nueva actualización que permitirá a los usuarios escuchar sus canciones favoritas sin salirse de la aplicación de búsqueda.
El usuario que se esté guiando por los mapas de la aplicación de Google, podrá convertir su experiencia en algo más entretenido agregándole música de YouTube sin inconvenientes de compatibilidad.
Desde el 2018 ya esto se podía realizar con otras aplicaciones como Google Play Music y Spotify, pero ahora las facilidades que tendrá el usuario serán más profundas.
Cómo añadir Youtube Music en Google Maps
El paso a paso es sencillo solamente debes:
- Abrir Google Maps.
- Pulsar en tu foto de perfil.
- Entrar en Ajustes.
- Desciende hasta llegar a Ajustes de Navegación.
- Pulsar sobre esta opción.
- Buscar la opción de Mostrar controles de reproducción multimedia.
- Activar el interruptor junto a dicha opción.
- Elige YouTube Music entre esas apps.
- Pulsar en Aceptar.
- El resultado es tener el mapa de guía en la misma posición pero saldrá un icono pequeño de la app donde se mostrará el audio que está sonando. Al tocarlo se visualizará los botones de reproducción, pausa y siguiente.
Google Maps integrated Youtube Music in its new update that will allow users to listen to their favorite songs without leaving the search application.
Users who are guided by the maps in the Google application will be able to turn their experience into something more entertaining by adding YouTube music without any compatibility issues.
Since 2018 this could be done with other applications such as Google Play Music and Spotify, but now the facilities that the user will have will be more profound.
How to add Youtube Music on Google Maps
The step-by-step is simple, you just have to:
Open Google Maps.
Click on your profile picture.
Go to Settings.
Scroll down until you reach Navigation Settings.
Click on this option.
Find the option Show media playback controls.
Activate the switch next to this option.
Choose YouTube Music among those apps.
Touch OK.
The result is to have the guide map in the same position but a small icon of the app will appear where the audio that is playing will be shown. Touching it will display the play, pause and next buttons.
Google Maps integrated Youtube Music in its new update that will allow users to listen to their favorite songs without leaving the search application.
Users who are guided by the maps in the Google application will be able to turn their experience into something more entertaining by adding YouTube music without any compatibility issues.
Since 2018 this could be done with other applications such as Google Play Music and Spotify, but now the facilities that the user will have will be more profound.
How to add Youtube Music on Google Maps
The step-by-step is simple, you just have to:
Open Google Maps.
Click on your profile picture.
Go to Settings.
Scroll down until you reach Navigation Settings.
Click on this option.
Find the option Show media playback controls.
Activate the switch next to this option.
Choose YouTube Music among those apps.
Touch OK.
The result is to have the guide map in the same position but a small icon of the app will appear where the audio that is playing will be shown. Touching it will display the play, pause and next buttons.