Netflix además de ser una plataforma donde se acumulan variedades en contenido streaming, también funciona como ese amigo que te conoce y te recomienda películas y series.
Cuando se inicia sesión por primera vez dentro de la plataforma, está te pregunta cuál contenido puede gustarte, presentándote las portadas de varios programas o películas. En función de tu selección es que organiza una presentación estándar de sus títulos más relevante.
Sin embargo, esa presentación se va modificando en función de la calificación de afinidad que le brinde la plataforma, de acuerdo a tus gustos.
¿Cómo calificar series y películas?
En el blog de Netflix se explica lo siguiente:
Para obtener mejores sugerencias de series y películas que podrían gustarte, puedes calificar los títulos que viste con un pulgar arriba o un pulgar abajo.
Podemos obtener una mejor idea de lo que te gusta ver analizando los siguientes elementos:
- Los géneros de las series y películas
- Tus calificaciones anteriores
- Tu historial de visualización
- Las calificaciones de los miembros de Netflix que tienen gustos similares a los tuyos.
- El porcentaje que se ubica junto al título muestra la afinidad que pensamos que tiene con tu perfil específico.
Cómo ver las calificaciones anteriores:
- Desde un navegador web, accede a la página Cuenta.
- Abre la configuración de Perfiles y controles parentales para el perfil que deseas ver.
- Abre Calificaciones. Aparecerá una lista de tus calificaciones.
Netflix, besides being a platform where you can accumulate varieties of streaming content, also works as that friend who knows you and recommends you movies and series.
When you first log in to the platform, you are asked what content you might like, introducing you to the covers of various shows or movies. Depending on your selection, it organises a standard presentation of its most relevant titles.
However, this presentation is modified according to the affinity rating given by the platform, according to your tastes.
How to rate series and films?
The Netflix blog explains the following:
For better suggestions of series and movies you might like, you can rate the titles you watched with a thumb up or a thumb down.
We can get a better idea of what you like to watch by looking at the following items:
The genres of the series and movies
Your previous grades
Your viewing history
The qualifications of Netflix members who have similar tastes to yours.
The percentage next to the title shows the affinity we think it has with your specific profile.
How to view the above ratings:
From a web browser, go to the Account page.
Open the Profiles and Parental Controls settings for the profile you wish to view.
Open Ratings. A list of your ratings will appear.
Netflix, besides being a platform where you can accumulate varieties of streaming content, also works as that friend who knows you and recommends you movies and series.
When you first log in to the platform, you are asked what content you might like, introducing you to the covers of various shows or movies. Depending on your selection, it organises a standard presentation of its most relevant titles.
However, this presentation is modified according to the affinity rating given by the platform, according to your tastes.
How to rate series and films?
The Netflix blog explains the following:
For better suggestions of series and movies you might like, you can rate the titles you watched with a thumb up or a thumb down.
We can get a better idea of what you like to watch by looking at the following items:
The genres of the series and movies
Your previous grades
Your viewing history
The qualifications of Netflix members who have similar tastes to yours.
The percentage next to the title shows the affinity we think it has with your specific profile.
How to view the above ratings:
From a web browser, go to the Account page.
Open the Profiles and Parental Controls settings for the profile you wish to view.
Open Ratings. A list of your ratings will appear.