Desde que Google lanzó su servicio de respaldo de teléfonos en Android, muchas personas se quedaron esperando algún tipo de actualización similar para iOS. Así que cuando Google por fin habló sobre esto, muchos perdieron la cabeza, en buen sentido.
No todo es gratis
Si bien, el programa de miembros de Google One requiere de una suscripción para poder hacer uso de estos servicios, podemos estar seguros que el servicio de respaldo de teléfono será completamente gratuito, eso sin importar si tienes Android o iOS.
Solo hay que tener en cuenta que si deseas respalda toda tu información, ten en cuenta que de manera gratuita solamente tienes 15 GB disponibles, lo que se reparte tanto en Google Drive, Gmail, Photos y este servicio de respaldo.

Esto lo puedes hacer por medio de la aplicación de Google One, con la que podrás respaldar información de tus contactos, números, videos, fotos y hasta eventos de calendario.
Aunque cabe mencionar que los sistemas operativos de iOS ya cuentan con respaldo de algunas de estas cosas, pero en lugar de ser un contra es algo que puedes beneficiar a muchos, pues esto quiere decir que tendrás mucho más espacio dentro de la app de Google para respaldar lo que no hayas podido respaldar en Apple.
Suena a mucho trabajo, pero también suena muy barato, lo cual nunca es malo, pregúntale a quien sea. En serio.
Así que ya tenemos una opción más para que nuestra información no se pierda por completo. Si quieres usar este servicio de Google, entonces solamente queda esperar a que anuncien su llegada en ambos sistemas operativos. Primero que nada, en Android no está disponible, pero aseguran que saldrá dentro de pocos días (tampoco específicos) mientras que para el estreno de iOS, tendremos que esperar todavía más, pues en lugar de decir unos días, nos dicen que vendrá pronto. Muy ambiguo el asunto.
Since Google launched its phone backup service on Android, many people have been waiting for some kind of similar update for iOS. So when Google finally talked about it, many lost their minds, in a good way.
Not everything is free
Although the Google One membership program requires a subscription to use these services, we can be sure that the phone backup service will be completely free, no matter if you have Android or iOS.
Just keep in mind that if you want to back up all your data, keep in mind that you only have 15 GB available for free, which is distributed in Google Drive, Gmail, Photos and this backup service.
Google iOS
You can do this through the Google One application, with which you can back up information about your contacts, numbers, videos, photos and even calendar events.
It's worth mentioning that the iOS operating systems already have some of these things backed up, but instead of being a contra it's something that can benefit many, because it means that you'll have much more space within the Google app to back up what you couldn't back up in Apple.
Sounds like a lot of work, but also sounds very cheap, which is never bad, ask anyone. Seriously.
So now we have one more option so that our data is not completely lost. If you want to use this Google service, then all you have to do is wait for them to announce its arrival on both operating systems. First of all, on Android it is not available, but they assure it will be out in a few days (not specific) while for the iOS release, we will have to wait even longer, because instead of saying a few days, they tell us it will come soon. Very ambiguous matter.
Since Google launched its phone backup service on Android, many people have been waiting for some kind of similar update for iOS. So when Google finally talked about it, many lost their minds, in a good way.
Not everything is free
Although the Google One membership program requires a subscription to use these services, we can be sure that the phone backup service will be completely free, no matter if you have Android or iOS.
Just keep in mind that if you want to back up all your data, keep in mind that you only have 15 GB available for free, which is distributed in Google Drive, Gmail, Photos and this backup service.
Google iOS
You can do this through the Google One application, with which you can back up information about your contacts, numbers, videos, photos and even calendar events.
It's worth mentioning that the iOS operating systems already have some of these things backed up, but instead of being a contra it's something that can benefit many, because it means that you'll have much more space within the Google app to back up what you couldn't back up in Apple.
Sounds like a lot of work, but also sounds very cheap, which is never bad, ask anyone. Seriously.
So now we have one more option so that our data is not completely lost. If you want to use this Google service, then all you have to do is wait for them to announce its arrival on both operating systems. First of all, on Android it is not available, but they assure it will be out in a few days (not specific) while for the iOS release, we will have to wait even longer, because instead of saying a few days, they tell us it will come soon. Very ambiguous matter.