WhatsApp Plus trae algunas novedades importantes para este año 2020 y aquí te diremos cuales son los cambios que puedes encontrar dentro de esta expansión de la app de mensajería.
Muchas funciones nuevas
Para quienes no conozcan a WhatsApp Plus, entonces deben saber que es una expansión no oficial de WhatsApp que te permite personalizar la app a niveles que nunca te hubieras imaginado. Tanto cambiar el color de todos los chats, el color del ícono e el celular y una infinidad de opciones más.
Pero si ya la conoces e incluso, ya la tienes instalada, debes saber que llegan grandes cambios este 2020 y son los siguientes:
- Puedes ocultar chats en el listado y acceder a ellos desde el home al presionar “WhatsApp”
- Puedes activar el modo avión para ni recibir mensajes ni enviarlos hasta que se desactive (Modo DND).
- Nueva barra de stories en la pantalla home.
- Nueva forme de poder buscar amigos.
- Puedes realizar chats de video con hasta 8 personas.
- Ocultar la sección de Estados Vistos, Recientes y Silenciados.
- Nueva función para reiniciar la app.
- Opción de poder reenviar un mensaje con hasta 300 chats al mismo tiempo.
- Puedes ahora archivar chats.
- Añadir contactos por medio scaneos de códigos de barras.
- Ahora puedes guardar fotos de perfil.
- Puedes añadir stickers en fotos.
- Nuevos stickers de Gif2Stickers.
- Mejora en la manera en que puedes previsualizar temas de personalización.
- Ha mejorado la barra de usuario en línea.
- Hay una nueva página de información.
Sinceramente, todo esto hace que valga la pena darle una nueva oportunidad a la expansión si es que ya no lo tienes instalado o darle una primera oportunidad si es que nunca lo habías hecho antes.
Si estás interesado o interesada en descargar esta expansión para WhatsApp, entonces te dejamos aquí el link en donde puedes hacerlo sin problema alguno.
WhatsApp Plus brings some important news for this year 2020 and here we will tell you what changes you can find within this expansion of the messaging app.
Many new features
For those of you not familiar with WhatsApp Plus, then you should know that it is an unofficial WhatsApp expansion that allows you to customize the app to levels you never would have imagined. This includes changing the color of all chats, the color of the icon on the cell phone, and a host of other options.
But if you already know it and even have it installed, you should know that big changes are coming this 2020 and they are the following:
You can hide chats in the list and access them from the home page by pressing "WhatsApp"
You can activate the airplane mode to neither receive nor send messages until it is deactivated (DND mode).
New story bar on the home screen.
New way to search for friends.
You can make video chats with up to 8 people.
Hide the Viewed, Recent and Mute Status section.
New function to restart the app.
Option to resend a message with up to 300 chats at the same time.
You can now archive chats.
Add contacts by scanning barcodes.
You can now save profile pictures.
You can add stickers on photos.
New Gif2Stickers stickers.
Improved the way you can preview customization themes.
Improved the online user bar.
There is a new information page.
Honestly, all this makes it worth to give a new chance to the expansion if you don't have it installed anymore or give it a first chance if you never did it before.
If you are interested in downloading this expansion for WhatsApp, then here is the link where you can do it without any problem.
WhatsApp Plus brings some important news for this year 2020 and here we will tell you what changes you can find within this expansion of the messaging app.
Many new features
For those of you not familiar with WhatsApp Plus, then you should know that it is an unofficial WhatsApp expansion that allows you to customize the app to levels you never would have imagined. This includes changing the color of all chats, the color of the icon on the cell phone, and a host of other options.
But if you already know it and even have it installed, you should know that big changes are coming this 2020 and they are the following:
You can hide chats in the list and access them from the home page by pressing "WhatsApp"
You can activate the airplane mode to neither receive nor send messages until it is deactivated (DND mode).
New story bar on the home screen.
New way to search for friends.
You can make video chats with up to 8 people.
Hide the Viewed, Recent and Mute Status section.
New function to restart the app.
Option to resend a message with up to 300 chats at the same time.
You can now archive chats.
Add contacts by scanning barcodes.
You can now save profile pictures.
You can add stickers on photos.
New Gif2Stickers stickers.
Improved the way you can preview customization themes.
Improved the online user bar.
There is a new information page.
Honestly, all this makes it worth to give a new chance to the expansion if you don't have it installed anymore or give it a first chance if you never did it before.
If you are interested in downloading this expansion for WhatsApp, then here is the link where you can do it without any problem.