Android se prepara para recibir muchos m谩s emojis que har谩n de nuestras conversaciones algo mucho m谩s ameno para quienes escriben como para quienes reciben los mensajes.
Es por eso que a continuaci贸n te presentaremos los nuevos emojis que llegar谩n a Androir 11 con la llegada de esta actualizaci贸n y sinceramente, se ven muy divertidos.
Desde un castor hasta banderas importantes
Muchas veces nos queremos expresar de muchas maneras muy diferentes a las que son posibles usando solamente palabras, eso hace que sea muy importante el uso de emojis para comunicarnos, en especial cuando se trata de decir algo que no quieres que se mal interprete.
Eso nos levo a los emojis que tenemos que a continuaci贸n, los cuales tienen comida, juguetes, objetos de uso diario y hasta cosas como una tumba y una trampa con un queso.

Pero no se queda en eso, pues tambi茅n tenemos a animales extintos como un mamut, el p谩jaro dodo y hasta otro tipo de animales que lamentablemente siguen existiendo como las cucarachas, aunque esta tiene una cara muy tierna, pero se sigue viendo asquerosa a煤n as铆.
Sin duda, nuestros favoritos son los todos los tipos de ninjas nuevos que llegan, la cara con lentes y nariz falsa, la peque帽a foca beb茅, una bebida helada con tapioca y la trampa con el queso, pues literalmente funciona como “bait” o carnada y seguramente se podr谩 usar en muchas conversaciones.
Aunque creo que el m谩s usado ser谩 el de coraz贸n realista, pues esto podr铆a representar a una persona que ya madur贸 de manera sentimental y que ha dejado lo corazones de caricatura de lado.
Por 煤ltimo, creo que tambi茅n uno de los m谩s bonitos es el nuevo gatito negro que est谩 de lado, pues nunca podemos tener suficiente de los gatos, quien diga lo contrario no tiene coraz贸n, eso es seguro.
Android is preparing to receive many more emojis that will make our conversations much more enjoyable for those who write as well as those who receive the messages.
That's why we will now introduce you to the new emojis that will be coming to Androir 11 with the arrival of this update and honestly, they look like a lot of fun.
From a beaver to important flags
Many times we want to express ourselves in many different ways than are possible using only words, that makes it very important to use emojis to communicate, especially when it comes to saying something you don't want to be misunderstood.
This led us to the emojis we have to follow, which have food, toys, everyday objects and even things like a grave and a trap with a cheese.
Android 11 emojis
But it doesn't stop there, because we also have extinct animals like a mammoth, the dodo bird and even other types of animals that unfortunately still exist like cockroaches, although this one has a very tender face, but still looks disgusting.
Without a doubt, our favorites are all the new types of ninjas that arrive, the face with glasses and a fake nose, the little baby seal, an icy drink with tapioca and the trap with cheese, because it literally works as "bait" and can surely be used in many conversations.
Although I believe that the most used will be the realistic heart, because this could represent a person who has already matured in a sentimental way and has left the cartoon hearts aside.
Finally, I think that one of the most beautiful ones is the new black kitten that is on the side, because we can never get enough of cats, whoever says otherwise has no heart, that's for sure.
That's why we will now introduce you to the new emojis that will be coming to Androir 11 with the arrival of this update and honestly, they look like a lot of fun.
From a beaver to important flags
Many times we want to express ourselves in many different ways than are possible using only words, that makes it very important to use emojis to communicate, especially when it comes to saying something you don't want to be misunderstood.
This led us to the emojis we have to follow, which have food, toys, everyday objects and even things like a grave and a trap with a cheese.
Android 11 emojis
But it doesn't stop there, because we also have extinct animals like a mammoth, the dodo bird and even other types of animals that unfortunately still exist like cockroaches, although this one has a very tender face, but still looks disgusting.
Without a doubt, our favorites are all the new types of ninjas that arrive, the face with glasses and a fake nose, the little baby seal, an icy drink with tapioca and the trap with cheese, because it literally works as "bait" and can surely be used in many conversations.
Although I believe that the most used will be the realistic heart, because this could represent a person who has already matured in a sentimental way and has left the cartoon hearts aside.
Finally, I think that one of the most beautiful ones is the new black kitten that is on the side, because we can never get enough of cats, whoever says otherwise has no heart, that's for sure.